You should meet my sister Quentin said....she'll be out next week....I reckon you'll be friends.....Tanny, you've been there for so much of my life. You made me feel happy and strong and never failed to make me laugh. It's the little things I cherish with you- cheese sandwiches in my parents kitchen at 3am, endless nights out dancing (that dress!) and days after gossiping on the fitting rooms at Gap, picnics in your garden surrounded by all your beautiful plants, the superfood lunch you made me when I came out of hospital after chemo. I dreamt about you while you were in hospital....we were on our way out and suddenly you disappeared. When you came back to me, turns out you'd joined a dancing troupe for a had to be something wildly fun but then we all know you danced to your own rhythm in life and no one else. That's what I adore and admire about you the most. I love you Tanny and miss you. I will always be inspired by your spirit. Sharon xxx
21st February 2017